


國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系 誠徵專任教學人員啟事




一、       工作性質:專任助理教授職級(含)以上之教學人員一名,從事教學、研究與推廣服務工作。


二、       專長資格:具博士學位,若有博士後研究或教學經驗者尤佳。以「動物生理學、動物內分泌學、動物行為與福祉」領域為主,具有動物解剖生理學、伴侶動物學專長者優先考慮。


三、       必開課程:動物解剖生理學及實習、動物行為與福祉、動物內分泌學或伴侶動物學。另外,每學年應有一門課程(必修或選修)以全英語授課。


四、       申請資料:

1.             學經歷資料及證明文件影本。(紙本或電子檔)

2.      五年內(20198月以後發表)代表作1篇。代表作不可為research notebrief report review文章。(電子檔)

3.      七年內著作目錄及參考著作(20178月以後發表)。已被接受但未刊印之著作需檢附被接受證明。(電子檔)

4.             三封推薦信。(紙本或電子檔)

5.             開授課程大綱。(電子檔)

6.             有助於審查之相關資料。(電子檔)



教職起聘日期:20248 1日。



電話:(02)33664140         傳真:(02)27324070

聯絡人:廖奕雯小姐    E-mailyiwen@ntu.edu.tw



Faculty position in Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

Department: Department of Animal Science and Technology

Position: Assistant professor or higher levels

Qualification: Ph.D.

Job type: Full time in teaching, research and extension service

Vacancy: 1

Submit deadline: July 25, 2023


The Department of Animal Science and Technology at National Taiwan University invites applications for one faculty position in Animal Physiology and Behavior which is expected to start on August 1, 2024. This vacancy is a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor or higher level. Applicants specializing in “Animal physiology”, “Animal endocrinology”, or “Animal behavior and welfare” are the main targeted candidates; additional research experience in “Animal anatomy and physiology” or “Companion animal science” are even more preferred.


The position requires a Ph.D. degree while applicants with a postdoctoral or teaching experience will be preferentially considered. The applicants are responsible to teach at least one of following courses: Anatomy and Physiology of Animals and Lab, Animal Behavior and Welfare, Animal Endocrinology, or Companion Animal Science; meanwhile, must open at least one compulsory or selective course delivered by English per academic year.


Applicants must submit:

·            Cover letter with clear indication of preferred position rank.

·            Curriculum vitae. The research publication list should include one representative work within 5 years (no earlier than August 2019 and no research note, brief report or review article) and the remaining publications should be within 7 years (no earlier than August 2017).

·            3 recommendation letters.

·            Outlines of offering courses with syllabus.

·            Summary of research interests.

·            A photo copy of the Ph.D. diploma (Foreign diploma should be authorized by Taiwan Embassy).

·            Other supplementary documents.


Submitting by post mail or electronic mail is acceptable.


Contact Information Officer: Ms. Liao, Yi-Wen Email: yiwen@ntu.edu.tw

TEL: +886 2 33664140; FAX: +886 2 27324070

Address: Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

No. 50, Ln. 155, Sec. 3, Keelung Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan Website (Chinese): http://www.ansc.ntu.edu.tw/

Website (English): http://www.ansc.ntu.edu.tw/mainEN/


Note that the application materials will not be returned to the applicants. National Taiwan University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.