一、 工作性質:專任助理教授職級(含)以上之專任教師一名,從事教學、研究與推廣服務工作。
二、 專長資格:具博士學位,若有博士後研究或教學經驗者尤佳。以「反芻動物學或動物生殖技術」領域為主。
三、 必開課程:乳牛學、牧場實務技術、動物行為與福祉、動物生殖學、胚與幹細胞顯微操作技術;上述課程至少一門。另外,每學年應有一門課程(必修或選修)以全英語授課。
四、 申請資料:
1. 學位證書影本(外國文憑須經外交部領事事務局驗證影本與正本相符)及其他學經歷資料。(紙本或電子檔)
2. 五年內(2020年8月以後發表)代表作1篇。(電子檔)
(1) 不可為research note、brief report或review文章。
(2) 以期刊文章為代表著作,發表之期刊應為SCI或SSCI期刊。
(3) 應為第一作者或通訊作者;與他人合著,應檢附合著人證明(https://reurl.cc/RqNNV9)。
(4) 應徵助理教授者,得以博士論文作為代表作。
3. 七年內著作目錄及參考著作(2018年8月以後發表)。已被接受但未刊印之著作需檢附被接受證明。(電子檔)
4. 三封推薦信。(由推薦人逕寄送電子檔至:ihchen@ntu.edu.tw或紙本至動科系)
5. 開授課程大綱。(電子檔)
6. 有助於審查之相關資料。(電子檔)
臺灣大學動物科學技術學系(申請教職) 收
電話:(02)33664140 傳真:(02)27324070
聯絡人:陳宜鴻先生 E-mail:ihchen@ntu.edu.tw
Faculty position in the Department of Animal Science and Technology,
National Taiwan University
Department: Department of Animal Science and Technology
Position: Assistant professor or higher levels
Qualification: Ph.D.
Job type: Full time in teaching, research and extension service
Vacancy: 1
Submit deadline: October 15, 2024
The Department of Animal Science and Technology at National Taiwan University is seeking applications for a faculty position. The anticipated start date for this position is August 1, 2025. The vacancy is a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor or higher level. We encourage applications from candidates specializing in either “Ruminant Science” or “Animal Reproductive Technology.
The applicants are required to have a Ph.D. degree, and those with postdoctoral training or teaching experience will be preferred. The applicants are mandatory to teach at least one of the following courses: Dairy Science, Livestock Farm Practical Technology, Animal Behavior and Welfare, Animal Reproduction, or Micromanipulation of Embryos and Stem Cells. The qualified applicants must also offer at least one course conducted entirely in English every academic year.
Applicants must submit:
1. Cover letter with a clear indication of preferred position rank.
2. A photocopy of the degree certificate (For a foreign diploma, the photocopy must be verified by the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China, to ensure it is consistent with the original) and other information on academic experience (Paper or electronic file).
3. One representative publication in past 5 years is mandatory (Publication date must be after August 2020) (Electronic file).
(1) The representative publication can not be research notes, brief reports, or review articles.
(2) For journal articles as representative publication, the journals must be indexed in SCI or SSCI.
(3) The applicant must be the first author or corresponding author in the representative publication. As a co-author of the representative publication, the co-author certification should be provided (https://reurl.cc/RqNNV9).
(4) Applicants for an Assistant Professor position may use their Ph.D. dissertation as their representative publication.
4. The publication list for past 7 years must include the publications after August 2020. All accepted but unpublished must be accompanied by official acceptance letters from the publishers (Electronic file).
5. Three recommendation letters are required and should be directly sent by the referees either electronically or in hard copy to the Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University (Email: ihchen@ntu.edu.tw).
6. Outlines of the course syllabus should be provided (Electronic file).
7. Any other supplementary documents for review should also be included (Electronic file).
A submission via post mail or electronic mail is acceptable.
Contact Information
Officer: Mr. Chen, I-Hung
Email: ihchen@ntu.edu.tw
TEL: +886 2 33664140; FAX: +886 2 27324070
Address: Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University
No. 50, Ln. 155, Sec. 3, Keelung Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan
Website (Chinese): http://www.ansc.ntu.edu.tw/
Website (English): http://www.ansc.ntu.edu.tw/mainEN/
Note that the application materials will not be returned to the applicants.